Monday, April 15, 2013

Birds of a Feather

This question is from the August 2008 Regents, from The correct answer here is (4), bright-colored males.

There is some important information that the question provides which we must take into account. For starters, "male offspring inherit their father's bright colors and long feathers." So, we know that dull-colored males (3) and bright-colored females (1) are not possible answers. That leaves dull-colored females (2) and bright-colored males (4). Read the question again. "Compared to earlier generations, future generations...will...have a greater proportion of _____." Dull-colored females does not make sense, because there will not be a GREATER number of these birds than before. If all females can only be dull, we will not see more dull females in the future. But, if "females usually pick the brightest colored males for mates," we will see a greater number of brightly colored male birds. Make sense?

Check out this video for a look at some of the exotic birds mentioned:

Take a look at the Birds-of-Paradise Project, it's pretty neat:!/2/The%20Birds

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